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Англо-русский строительный словарь - bubble


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Перевод с английского языка bubble на русский

пузырь, пузырёк air bubble control bubble
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См. в других словарях

  1) пузырь, пузырек пузыриться 2) метал. раковина (вид дефекта отливки) 3) вчт. цилиндрический магнитный домен, ЦМД 4) кружок (на блок-схеме или в обозначении логического элемента) 5) барботировать 6) кипеть - cavitation bubble - flexible bubble - half bubble - level bubble ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) пузырь 2) дутое предприятие, "мыльный пузырь", фиктивное предприятие 3) кажущееся, дутое увеличение (часто является следствием инфляции или ложных планов) - bubble company - bubble scheme BUBBLE 1. сущ. 1) общ. пузырь 2) упр. "мыльный пузырь", дутое мошенническое предприятие Syn: bubble company 2. гл. 1) общ. кипеть; пузыриться, покрываться пузырями; подниматься пузырьками (о газе в жидкости) 2) общ. бить ключом, быть переполненным, кипеть (от радости, гнева и т. п.) to bubble over with joy — быть переполненным радостью 3) общ. журчать a mountain stream bubbling over rocks — горный ручей, журчащий по камням ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  фин. "(мыльный) пузырь" Ситуация на бирже, когда конъюнктура, цена акций конкретной компании или товара поднимается до уровня, который не имеет объективной основы ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. пузырек (воздуха или газа) to blow bubbles —- пускать мыльные пузыри 2. дутое предприятие; "мыльный пузырь", химера bubble company —- дутое предприятие bubble bet —- мошенническое пари to dote on bubbles —- тешить себя пустыми мечтами; заниматься прожектерством 3. экономический бум 4. бульканье bubble of water —- бульканье воды the bubble of the sea —- шум моря 5. волнение 6. уст. простак 7. авт. прозрачный купол, верх 8. пузыриться, покрываться пузырями; булькать, кипеть 9. бить ключом (также bubble over, bubble up) he bubbled over with fun —- он был неистощим на шутки to bubble over with joy —- быть переполненным радостью 10. журчать 11. уст. обманывать, дурачить 12. помочь младенцу отрыгнуть воздух (при кормлении) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  gum noun amer. надувная жевательная резинка BUBBLE scheme дутое предприятие BUBBLE bath noun  1) пена для ванны  2) пенистая ароматная ванна BUBBLE  1. noun  1) пузырь  2) пузырек воздуха/газа (в жидкости); пузырек воздуха (в стекле)  3) дутое предприятие, мыльный пузырь  2. v.  1) пузыриться; кипеть  2) бить ключом (тж. bubble over, bubble up) he bubbled over with fun - он был неистощим на шутки  3) журчать (о речи)  4) obs. обманывать, дурачить BUBBLE car noun мини-кар с прозрачной крышей ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) пузырь, пузырёк, вздутие 2) пузырьковое включение 3) пузыриться 4) усадочная раковина 5) газовый пузырь, газовая раковина (дефект отливки) 6) барботировать 7) кипеть 8) цилиндрический магнитный домен, ЦМД - air bubble - batch bubble - critical bubble - debiteuse bubble - detached bubble - gall bubble - gas bubble - gathering bubble - hemispherical bubble - high-mobility bubble - level bubble - low-mobility bubble - magnetic bubble - round open-ended bubble - scum bubble - subcritical bubble - sulfate bubble ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a thin sphere of liquid enclosing air etc. b an air-filled cavity in a liquid or a solidified liquid such as glass or amber. 2 the sound or appearance of boiling. 3 a transparent domed cavity. 4 a visionary or unrealistic project or enterprise (the South Sea Bubble). --v.intr. 1 rise in or send up bubbles. 2 make the sound of boiling. Phrases and idioms bubble and squeak Brit. cooked cabbage fried with cooked potatoes or meat. bubble bath 1 a preparation for adding to bath water to make it foam. 2 a bath with this added. bubble car Brit. a small motor car with a transparent dome. bubble chamber Physics an apparatus designed to make the tracks of ionizing particles visible as a row of bubbles in a liquid. bubble gum chewing-gum that can be blown into bubbles. bubble memory Computing a type of memory which stores data as a pattern of magnetized regions in a thin layer of magnetic material. bubble over (often foll. by with) be exuberant with laughter, excitement, anger, etc. bubble pack a small package enclosing goods in a transparent material on a backing. Etymology: ME: prob. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English bobel  Date: 14th century  1. a small globule typically hollow and light: as  a. a small body of gas within a liquid  b. a thin film of liquid inflated with air or gas  c. a globule in a transparent solid  d. something (as a plastic or inflatable structure) that is hemispherical or semicylindrical  2.  a. something that lacks firmness, solidity, or reality  b. a delusive scheme  3. a sound like that of bubbling  4. magnetic ~  5. a state of booming economic activity (as in a stock market) that often ends in a sudden collapse  6. the condition of being at risk of exclusion or replacement (as from a tournament) — usually used in the phrase on the ~ teams still on the ~ for the play-offs  II. verb  (~d; bubbling)  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to form or produce ~s  b. to rise in or as if in ~s — usually used with up  2. to flow with a gurgling sound a brook bubbling over rocks  3.  a. to become lively or effervescent bubbling with good humor  b. to speak in a lively and fluent manner  transitive verb  1. to utter (as words) effervescently  2. to cause to ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bubbles, bubbling, bubbled) 1. Bubbles are small balls of air or gas in a liquid. Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface. ...a bubble of gas trapped under the surface. N-COUNT 2. A bubble is a hollow ball of soapy liquid that is floating in the air or standing on a surface. With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bathtime. N-COUNT 3. A bubble is a situation in which large numbers of people want to buy shares in a company that is new or not yet financially successful, and pay more than the shares are worth. When it becomes clear that the shares are worth less than people paid for them, you can say that the bubble has burst. (BUSINESS) Everyone is hoping that these hi-tech companies will turn out to be the Microsofts of the future. At the moment they look more like the focus of a speculative bubble... When the development bubble burst, federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks. N-COUNT 4. In a cartoon, a speech bubble is the shape which surrounds the words which a character is thinking or saying. N-COUNT 5. When a liquid bubbles, bubbles move in it, for example because it is boiling or moving quickly. Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling... The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top... VERB: V, V adv/prep 6. A feeling, influence, or activity that is bubbling away continues to occur. ...political tensions that have been bubbling away for years... VERB: usu cont, V adv/prep 7. Someone who is bubbling with a good feeling is so full of it that they keep expressing the way they feel to everyone around them. She came to the phone bubbling with excitement... VERB: usu cont, V with n • Bubble over means the same as bubble. He was quite tireless, bubbling over with vitality. PHRASAL VERB: V P with n • Bubble is also a noun. As she spoke she felt a bubble of optimism rising inside her. N-COUNT: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a ball of air in liquid  (When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface. | soap bubbles | blow bubbles)  (She was blowing bubbles in her milk with a straw.) 2 a small amount of air trapped in a solid substance  (Examine the glass carefully for bubbles.) 3 also speech bubble BrE a circle around the words said by someone in a cartoon (1) 4 prick/burst the bubble to make someone suddenly realize the unpleasant truth about something that seemed wonderful or perfect  (The relationship was great at first but that bubble soon burst.) 5 burst sb's bubble to destroy someone's beliefs or hopes about something  (Coming second in the contest really burst his bubble.) 6 a large clear plastic tent used to protect a seriously ill person from infection ~2 v 1 to produce bubbles  (Heat the cheese until it bubbles.) + up  (The cola bubbled up when I unscrewed the lid.) 2 to make the sound that water makes when it boils + away  (The water was bubbling away on the stove.) 3 also bubble over to be excited  (bubbling over with enthusiasm) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1325, bobel, 14c., from M.Du. bobbel (n.) and/or M.L.G. bubbeln (v.), both probably of echoic origin. Bubble bath first recorded 1949; bubble-gum is from 1937. Of financial schemes originally in South Sea Bubble (1599), on notion of "fragile and insubstantial." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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